ecce ancilla domini造句


  1. The following year she modelled again for his depiction of the Annunciation, " Ecce Ancilla Domini ".
  2. The two coats of arms in the page from " Missa Ecce ancilla Domini " refer to the Fern醤dez de C髍doba family.
  3. In shape a pointed oval or Archangel Gabriel standing facing each other with the word " Domini " ( as in " Ecce Ancilla Domini " ).
  4. In 1972 he wrote a serial and polytempered piece " Ecce Ancilla Domini ", where he uses rows in 1 / 4, 1 / 5th and 1 / 6th tone.
  5. Stung by criticism of his second major painting, " Ecce Ancilla Domini ", exhibited in 1850, and the " increasingly hysterical critical reaction that greeted Pre-Raphaelitism " that year, Rossetti turned to watercolours, which could be sold privately.
  6. It's difficult to find ecce ancilla domini in a sentence. 用ecce ancilla domini造句挺难的
  7. When they came on the market in 1874 and 1885, Graham bought his two Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood oils, " Ecce Ancilla Domini " ( 1850 ) and " The Girlhood of Mary Virgin " ] ( 1849 ) both now in the Tate Gallery.


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